Gideon's Strategy is almost an Oxy-Moron, because there was little actual strategy involved. Gideon relied wholly and completely on the guidance of God to defeat the Midianites. (The bulk of the story of Gideon can be found in Judges 7 and 8). The miraculous use of Gideon and his small army to defeat the Midianite army, with very little bloodshed!
What is the miracle here? Is it that a small group of people stood up to a large army, but that is not why the story is recorded for us. I believe that every chapter, every word, every story that is recorded in the Scriptures is for the edification of God's people. We are to know that it is never the size of the army, team, family, church or whatever. It is the incredible power of the God of the universe, that through His mercy and Grace uses those that should be damned because of our previous [to conversion] hatred of Him to accomplish His Holy Will, to His Perfect Glory.
Praise be to God that we, like Gideon, can be used. We must first make ourselves available to Him. In Him rests our purpose and our hope for this life.
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